Judges Education

Curriculum for the NE Judges

See below for 'Checklist of Judging Competencies' in our NEJC Forms Section below to track your progress as a Student or Associate

Also see the Resources Section below for the presentation titled 'Achieving Judging Competency' published by the AOS National Education Coordinator

Student/Associate accomplishment forms are due for submission by email to Advisors and Education Coordinators at least two weeks prior to our bi-annual Business Meetings

More information about the AOS judging education program

Forms for Judges

Here is a link to the AOS site for the most current judging forms




AOS webinars for Judging Topics may be used for Education Credits (Filter for 'Judging' in the recorded webinar section, you must be logged in to view the webinars)


Recent AOS Awards Review at monthly judgings

A review of recent AOS Awards is presented by Students and Associate Judging in the NEJC on a rotating basis at our monthly judgings. Please see the presentation titled 'AOS Monthly Images - AOS Awards' below in our NEJC Education Resources Section for a suggested format to follow. Our center Education Coordinator will assign presenters for this activity.

Posting Award and SITF forms at monthly judgings

Fillable Award and SITF forms are posted to a shared folder for awarded plants at our monthly judgings. The folder is accessed by our Judging Center Chair following the judging for further processing through the AOS JC Awards tool.

Please upload your forms to the folder name that corresponds to the correct center location and date for plants you are responsible to process before you leave a monthly judging. Please check with the Judging Center Chair before leaving any judging event to be sure all paperwork is complete, photos taken, and all has been submitted.


Please see helpful hint document below 'Electronic Award Forms' for step by step instructions.

SITF Submissions

If you are responsible for posting SITF forms online to the AOS SITF team for review, here is the link for direct submission.  Please check with the NEJC judging center chair before submitting directly;

AOS Online SITF Form

There are instructions on the site that explain the steps for submitting to the SITF team

Species Identification Task Force

Virtual Judging

Check out the Virtual Orchids website for more details about how to participate in this judging education exercise. (This site is maintained by Sergey Skoropad, Associate Judge, NEJC)


Out of Region Judgings

For students and associates participating in out of region AOS judgings or shows, please ask an accredited judge that you worked with at the event to fill out an evaluation form. Please make sure the completed form is submitted to ECs Jean and Carrie with a copy to your advisors.

AOS Student/Associate Judge Evaluation Form

NEJC Education Resources

judging competancy PP pdf for aos_org vers 1 pdf copy.pdf
AOS Presentation.pdf
NEJC Eforms Slides.pdf

Forms (forms here are specific to NEJC and are to be used in place of the AOS general forms where the forms have the same title)

NEJC semi-annual student_associate Accomplishment form.pdf

Student/Associate accomplishment form

Judging Skills Checklist.pdf

Judging skills checklist